
Coursework from Arizona State University and personal projects have allowed me to develop skills in diverse areas with a variety of design techniques. Below are some notable projects and skills acquired:

Senior Capstone Project: Retrospective Toolkit
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Project Description
  • Deployed a web application used as a training tool to enhance Agile workflow team development
  • Purpose: Develop a web application in an Agile environment with team and sponsors
  • Explored new technologies for developmental skills and growth
  • Implemented with ReactJS and Node Express, integrated AWS and Heroku web-hosting service
  • Team-based, Agile/SCRUM workflow
  • Link to Github source code.
What I Learned
  • Development with Javascript/ReactJS frontend and Node Express backend
  • Integration Tools: AWS CDN and Heroku web-hosting
  • Testing Tools: Enzyme, Jest, and Jacoco
  • Fundamental use of common web application tools NPM, Yarn and Babel
  • Team-oriented communication and skills with regular stand-ups, weekly planning, refinement, and retrospective meetings with sponsors
This Web Portfolio
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Project Description
  • A web-based portfolio to highlight resume, skills and attributes
  • Purpose: Build an online portfolio with common web development tools and languages
  • Implemented designed and built by me with ASP.NET
  • Link to Github source code.
What I Learned
  • Fundamentals and development with ASP.NET
  • Development with HTML and CSS
  • Development with Javascript
  • Fundamental use of MVC
  • C# and .NET integration with web-based applications
  • Strengthened source control use with Git and Github
Distributed Media Player
| cpp
Project Description
  • A distributed media player with Java and C++
  • Purpose: Develop a distributed application with proper separation of client and server
  • Implemented a GUI using server/ client remote proctor service
  • Link to Github source code. - Java implementation
  • Link to Github source code. - C++ implementation
What I Learned
  • Strengthened development with Java OOP
  • Development with Sockets, Threads, and Protocols
  • Skeleton/ stub creation for client/ server
  • Development with C++
  • Development with JSON and XML for storage and build files
  • Building JSON serializer/ deserializer in Java and C++
  • Development using Debian/ Ubuntu Linux environment
  • Use of tools such as curlpp and ant
  • Third-Party API integration: OMDb API
Database Application Service
| sql
Project Description
  • Implemented a console database application with SQL and Java
  • Purpose: Develop skills with SQL and integration with common OOP language client
  • Team-Based, Agile/SCRUM workflow
  • Link to Github source code.
What I Learned
  • Strengthened development with Java OOP
  • Development with SQL, using MySQL command line client
  • Integration tools: JDBC and MySql Connector
  • Design modelling with UML, EER and Relational diagrams
  • Script implementation to instantiate and populate databases
  • Use of common sequal command queries (select, update, drop table, create table, insert into, alter table, join variations, count, etc.)
Design Patterns Simulation: Heroes and Villains
Project Description
  • Implemented an console-based simulated scenario where heroes and villains fight it out for world domination
  • Purpose: Use design patterns with proper separation and testing
  • Gang of Four Design (GoF) Patterns with Java
  • Link to Github source code.
What I Learned
  • Strengthened development with Java OOP
  • Development with GoF design patterns: decorator, factory and mediator
  • Integration tool: Gradle
  • Unit Testing tools: JUnit (path/ branch coverage), TravisCI, Checkstyle, and Spotbugs
  • Code review techniques: static analysis, white/ black-box unit testing
  • Design modelling with UML
Manufacturing UI with Dynamic File Tree
csharp | xaml
Project Description
  • Implemented and mocked manufacturing UI and system file tree
  • Purpose: Learn the basics of WPF and Xamarin XAML to create UI applications
  • Implemented with C#, WPF and Xamarin
  • Link to Github source code.
What I Learned
  • Development with C#
  • Development with WPF, and XAML
  • Fundmental use of MVC to ensure proper separation
  • Static and Dynamic UI creation with XAML binding